petak, 2. kolovoza 2024.

Forgetfullnes of the hour of death

Spiritual world or Afterlife in Orthodox Christianity

In addition to all the stupid illusions that Satan brought into this world, there is nothing greater or more disastrous than forgetting the hour of death and what must follow in the righteous judgment of the Supreme Judge. Therefore, it is necessary to know that sin came into this world precisely through that door, i.e. through evil forgetfulness, because the main thing with which the Serpent wanted to seduce Eve was precisely that she would never die and not know the truth.
And, with this same deception, the Serpent continues to deceive people even today, so that there are countless fools who live in this evil oblivion and who die without thinking for a single moment about the misfortune that preceded them. 
But, given that death follows life and they meet, it is necessary to know that the surest guarantee of a good death that ensures eternal life is precisely a good and virtuous Orthodox Christian spiritual life, and that there is nothing more important than to separate your heart from the love of earthly things, which in that last hour torments the soul, makes it miserable and tightens it with strong chains, so that it does not enjoy complete freedom and difficult that she can rise above what she loved during her earthly life.
  It is also necessary to emphasize that nowadays, in the Motherland, it is very difficult to find an orthodox Christian who listens to this saving baptism Orthodox truth in order to ensure a good death that leads to eternal life and avoids eternal destruction. As the redeemer of the human race, the Lord gave all people the opportunity for eternal life, i.e that they work to free themselves from the consequences of original sin and do not feel it at the moment of death, and those foolish and unhappy children of Adam spend their whole lives burdening themselves with new burdens and chains of sin to die as slaves of their passions and under the tyrannical power of their merciless evil enemy to completely fulfill the Lord's words with which he warns them: What is the good for a man if he gains the whole world and loses everything? (Mt 16:26) Amen! 


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