srijeda, 25. rujna 2024.

Cries and sorrows of true Orthodox Christian

Icon of Lake of Fire in Orthodox Christianity

True Orthodox Christians who gain love for God and neighbor will be inconsolable in their pain and cry over such a waste from God

Considering the number of those who declare themselves Orthodox today in the Motherland, it is absolutely certain that there is not one of them who truly painfully mourns the loss of so many deluded souls who have sunk into a pernicious sleep throughout the Motherland and live in the darkness of their passions and twisted tendencies, i.e. sin , without even thinking about the eternal danger that threatens them, who are insensitive to their own evil that they do not see onthose occasions.
This is not only referring to the deceived Orthodox, but also to all other unbelievers and godless people (Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Jews, ... etc.).
Those unfortunate and poor deluded souls not only do not shy away from various sins and are not afraid of them, but in their blindness and ignorance they are constantly looking for them. They follow with all their might their bad inclinations and endeavors that throw them into false pleasures. They do not care at all about the three main perils of life, namely: sin, Satan and death, and on which their eternal salvation depends, which clearly shows that they have learned the secret of salvation. They do not tame their evil passions or desires, and without looking where they are going, they fall into all the dangers and abysses of sin, thus rushing into eternal ruin. As such, they are unaware that they have countless enemies whose satanic cunning is tireless, vigilance and action constant, and hatred indestructible.
And after all, should we be surprised if this action, or rather, if so many and various dangers are inflicted on the said deceived in the Motherland, so many evils that cannot be corrected and that all these fools go to Hell?! Should we be surprised that Satan became arrogant after so many victories that foolish and deluded mortals themselves have made possible for him to his own personal and terrible eternal ruin?!
It is truly devastating and worrisome that there is not a single truly Orthodox Christian in the Motherland who cries and grieves over the fate of so many deluded people and seeks a cure with all the fervor of his heart, even though as a believer in Christ and a soldier he would have the ability to do so.
In their vain and pernicious carelessness, today's Orthodox, in the Motherland, live in pernicious ignorance that they have become the salt that has spoiled and which, as the Lord says: It is no longer good for anything, but to be thrown out and for people to trample on it (Mt 5 ,13).
 As such, they vainly and indifferently consider themselves to belong to the Lord, and never remember His example when, deeply moved  in his heart, he wept over the fate of the inhabitants of Jerusalem  who did not take advantage of His gracious presence but persisted in their wickedness and unbelief because of which  many perished temporarily and eternally,  as can be seen from these words of the Holy Gospel:  When he came near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying: "Oh that you too would know in this day what is for your peace! But now it is hidden from your eyes. The days will come upon you when your enemies will surround you with a moat, they will surround you and press you from all sides. They will 'smash to the ground' you and 'your children' within you. And they will not leave one stone upon another in you because you did not know the hour of your visitation"  (Lk 19:41-44).
  The question arises  as to why this is so, or for what reason the "Orthodox" in the Motherland are not  the salt of the earth  and the light of the world  , i.e. they do not take care of their salvation and the salvation of so many misled and deceived who are on the way to eternal destruction!? 
  Therefore, it is absolutely  necessary to consider a little about these mortals, that is, about the "Orthodox"  of the present  
times, when the truths of the Gospel are so well known and so well established by the works and miracles that God has done in his holy True Orthodox Church , and perfect and true Orthodox believers, i.e. those who strive to be worthy to enjoy the greatest possible effects and fruits of Redemption almost and there is none. 
  Today's "Orthodox", in the Motherland, live in the vain and fatally indifferent belief that, despite so many fools and the flood of all vices,  i.e. sins, within the framework of their local "Orthodox" churches, they are completely correct in their actions and that among they have a large number of perfect Christian believers.  And, in fact, they do not see that there is not a single perfect believer among them at a time when God is so worthy and eager to distribute the treasure of his grace to the holy True Orthodox Church, thanks to his only begotten Son, who became man. 
  These "Orthodox" do not see that all their local "Orthodox" churches have fallen into the pernicious heresy of Ecumenism and that as such they have fallen away from the holy True Orthodox Church and therefore from the holy and true faith of Christ. Agreeing to the pernicious heresy of Ecumenism, which promotes the evil and completely pernicious Satanic doctrine that salvation is possible in all religious confessions, these "churches" have become synagogues of Satan. It is paradoxical that these heretical "Orthodox" churches, which operate in the Motherland and cause immeasurable damage both spiritually and materially, are mostly legal, i.e. recognized by the competent institutions of the Republic of Croatia, while there is one illegal one, i.e. .unrecognized by the relevant institutions, which does not prevent it from operating as such in the territory of the Republic of Croatia, also causing immeasurable damage to those who fall into its fatal heretical trap. These legal ones include: the Macedonian "Orthodox" Church, the Bulgarian "Orthodox" Church, the Serbian "Orthodox" Church, the Montenegrin "Orthodox" Church, while the so-called European "Orthodox" Church with the so-called Archbishop Aleksandar, which is still unrecognized and therefore illegal on the territory of the Republic of Croatia, trying to register under the name Croatian "Orthodox" church, which it has neither state nor church right to do. 
  Having become heretics, you and such "orthodox" are no longer  the salt of the earth  or  the light of the world . They do not see and do not know that as such, i.e. as evil seducers, they will all be condemned and go to Hell. This great calamity awaits them because, as heretics and servants of Satan, they have no love for God  and their neighbor, and therefore with complete indifference they follow pernicious darkness, they love vanity and arrogance, they long for the rotten riches of this transitory world, and they all run after sensual and deceptive pleasures that blind their reason and they conceal it with the dense darkness of ignorance in which they no longer recognize the light of the secret of true Christian salvation, to distinguish good from evil, and to penetrate the truth and doctrine of the Gospel. In their arrogance, disastrous spiritual indifference and believing Christian ignorance and satanic heretical delusion, they completely forgot about true repentance and confession, the fruits of the Holy Liturgy, the struggle with passions and the vigilance of the mind with the constant invocation of the name of Jesus, i.e. the Jesus prayer.  They do not follow the Lord's command:  Seek first  the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all the  rest will be  added to you  (Mt 6:33), and therefore they are on the way to eternal destruction and suffering terrible and severe torments in Hell! 
  This pernicious state of the "Orthodox" continues, and those true Orthodox Christians in the Motherland who, with the help and grace of God, will see this and gain true love for God and neighbor will be inconsolable in their pain and crying over so much human misfortune and pernicious waste from God.

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