ponedjeljak, 16. rujna 2024.

Manual for confesion

Icon of Holy and Pure Confession

Live according to God's commandments and believe completely in the teachings of the Holy Church of Christ, i.e. the Holy Orthodox Church, read the Holy Scriptures and pray every day because God wants it that way.

Every Sunday and holiday, be present at the service and take care of the order and maintenance of your church. If you miss this due to laziness, negligence, hesitation or fear, you will be ashamed before God and His angels.
  Be sure to make a life confession, and do so as soon as possible, so that death does not find you unprepared to meet the Lord. Confess before every communion and be sure to receive communion every Sunday and holiday so that you may have eternal life.
  Honor the Holy Mother of God and other saints, because this is what God wants, and do not replace your baptismal glory with a birthday, a reception day or some other holiday, because God is wonderful in His saints and not in human customs.    
  Celebrate the day of baptism  worthily without drinking or excessive feasting.
  Do not enter into marriage without God's blessing, for marriage is a sacred mystery instituted by God.
  Do not utter foul language, do not curse, do not get drunk, do not swear, do not blaspheme God, do not mock holy things, for he who does so will not be righteous before God.
  Do not read heretical, sectarian, and anti-religious books, for such doctrine is neither of God nor beneficial.
  Respect the priest as a servant and messenger of God, and do not close the door of your home to him, lest you thereby deprive yourself and your house of the blessing and peace of God.


1.  I am the Lord your God; you shall have no other gods before me.

  Protiv prve zapovijedi Božje griješi: tko ne vjeruje u Boga onako kako uči i predaje sveta Kristova tj. Pravoslavna crkva; tko sumnja u njeno učenje, svete Tajne, svećenike tj. svete služitelje i obrede; tko pripada nekom protucrkvenom društvu; tko ne smatra svete anđele, sve svete i presvetu Bogorodicu za svoje zastupnike pred Bogom i tko im se ne moli; tko priziva u pomoć duhove i bavi se spiritizmom ili učestvuje u spiritističkim seansama; tko traži pomoć od gatara i vračara ili sam gata ili vrača; tko vjeruje u nečiste snove i slično praznovjerje; tko se ne trudi da se upozna s Božjim zakonom i istinama svete vjere pravoslavne; tko ne čita sveto Pismo i druge pobožne knjige; tko čita s uživanjem knjige, gleda predstave ili filmove u kojima se govori protiv svete vjere pravoslavne ili kršćanskog morala; tko nije spreman da za izvršavanje volje Božje podnese svaku žrtvu; tko ljubi svjetsko i prolazno više nego Boga; tko se uzda više u ljude nego u Boga; tko odbacuje vjerske istine ili dogme; tko očajava u pogledu svoga spasenja i milosti Božje; tko očajava u trenutcima bijede, nevolje i iskušenja; tko nije Bogu zahvalan za sva Njegova dobročinstva; tko mrmlja na Boga; tko se redovito ne moli Bogu i ne oslanja na Njegovu svetu volju; tko ugađa ljudima više nego Bogu; tko se ne trudi u djelu svog spasenja već se nada da će se spasiti po blagosti Božjoj i u posljednjem trenutku života tj. prije same smrti.

2. Ne pravi sebi idola niti kakva lika; nemoj im se klanjati niti im služiti

  Protiv druge zapovijedi Božje griješi: tko Boga smatra i drži za neku stvar ili stvorenje; tko svete crkve ili hramove Božje drži kao obične privatne i javne zgrade; tko je nemaran prema svetim hramovima; tko smatra i drži svete ikone i svete moći svetaca za idolopoklonstvo; tko nema svetih ikona u svome domu niti ih poštuje; tko se pravilno ne krsti; tko nosi na sebi ili u domu drži zapise, amajlije i znakove vradžbine ili čaranja; tko se ne pričešćuje uredno i s propisanom spremom; tko ne drži u svome domu bogojavljensku ili svetu vodu i ne prima uopće svetu vodu niti je pije s vjerom i njome ne škropi svoj dom; tko nije krotak i ponizan tj. nije prožet ovim kršćanskim krepostima; tko vrši dobra djela radi hvale a ne u tajnosti; tko je ispunjen sebičnošću, proždrljivošću, sujetom, ohološću i koji se opija; tko upada u idolopoklonstvo.

3. Ne uzimaj uzalud imena Gospodina Boga svoga

  Protiv treće zapovijedi Božje griješi: tko se lažno kune imenom Božjim; tko se često kune nečim drugim što je sveto; tko u zlo koristi zakletvu; tko priseže da se kune nekome uzalud i zbija šalu; tko nije ispunio obećanje dano bližnjemu svome koje je potvrdio imenom Božjim ili kojega drugog sveca; tko koristi ime Božje bez potrebe i strahopoštovanja, u šali, u nepristojnim igrama i pjesmama; tko koristi u sličnim prilikama ime Bogorodice, anđela, svetaca i ugodnika Božjih; tko ismijava svete radnje i predmete i izlaže ih šali, podsmjehu i besmislici; tko od Boga i ugodnika Njegovih moli pomoć za loša djela, prljave zabave i zadovoljstva; tko se nije pripremio s potrebnom spremom za svetu tajnu ispovijedi i svetu Pričest. 

4. Sjećaj se dana odmora da ga svetkuješ; šest dana radi i završi sve svoje poslove, a sedmi dan je odmor Gospodinu Bogu tvome

  Protiv četvrte Božje zapovijedi griješi: tko ne drži zapovijed o nedjelji i blagdanima; tko u spomenute dane ne posjećuje sveti crkvu ili hram; tko ide u crkvu prisilno i radi običaja; tko u crkvi razgovara i ne učestvuje molitveno na bogoslužju; tko ne drži postove koje je propisala sveta Crkva; tko ne pomaže svoju crkvu i prema svojim mogućnostima ne daje svetim crkvama, samostanima i drugim svetim mjestima; tko ne posjećuje molitveno sveta mjesta; tko u nedjelje i blagdane kao i u svakoj drugoj prilici ne posjećuje bolesnike, zatvorenike, nevoljnike i ne vrši druga djela milosrđa; tko ne drži pokoru koju mu je duhovnik odredio.

5. Poštuj oca svoga i majku svoju, da ti dobro bude i da dugo živiš na zemlji

  Protiv pete Božje zapovijedi griješi: tko nije uljudan prema svojim roditeljima tj. tko ih obmanjuje i laže, zlostavlja i tuče, ruži i ogovara; tko ne izvršava njihove oporuke, volju i želju; tko se za njihova života a i poslije njihove smrti ne moli Bogu za njih; tko mrzi ili zavidi svojim rođacima; tko zlostavlja svoju djecu, zavidi im i omalovažava ih; tko ne uči i ne odgaja svoju djecu zakonu i strahu Božjem i ne brine se da od njih stvori predane kršćane i dobre članove društva i domovine; tko prema djeci postupa surovo ili im popušta u njihovom nevaljalstvu; tko svojim primjerom, držanjem ili govorom daje svojoj djeci povod za sablazan; tko surovo postupa sa svojim podčinjenima i slugama, tko ih ne uči dobru i prisiljava da čine nešto što je protivno Božjem zakonu ili im daje povoda da čine zlo ili ih u određene dane ne pušta da idu u hram Božji; tko kleveće i ogovara svoje nadstojnike i učitelje i tko se prema njima oholi, zavidi im, i nije im poslušan; tko ne voli svoju domovinu i nije spreman da za nju žrtvuje sve pa i život svoj; tko se ne moli Bogu za vlasti i nadstojnike kako državne tako i crkvene kao i za dobro cijeloga naroda i domovine; tko je za ljubav roditelja, djece ili nadstojnika učinio nešto što je protivno Božjem zakonu; tko prezire Kristovu crkvu i kleveće njene ustanove i služitelje; tko se ne moli Bogu za svoje umrle srodnike, prijatelje, poznanike i dobrotvore.

6.Ne ubij

  Protiv šeste Božje zapovijedi griješi: tko je nekoga ubio hotimično bilo kojim načinom; tko učestvuje na ubrzanju nečije smrti ili je nekoga izlagao opasnostima, bolestima ili iscrpljivao poslom, zlostavljanjem, batinama; tko je doveo nekoga do samoubojstva gonjenjem i zlostavljanjem; tko je podsticao nekoga na dvoboj, samoubojstvo, ubojstvo, tuču ili na djela opasna po zdravlje i život; tko je nagovarao nekoga da istupi iz svete vjere pravoslavne ili da učini neki grijeh; tko je stvarao razdor među bližnjima; tko je propustio priliku da nekoga odvrati od ubojstva, samoubojstva, dvoboja, tuče, povrede tuđeg zdravlja i skraćivanja života; tko ugnjetava uboge, siročad i uopće siromašne ljude, slabe i napuštene; tko je lako raspoložen na srdžbu, svađu, tuču i osvetu; tko bez nužde ubija životinje ili uživa u njihovom mučenju i zlostavljanju; tko ubija svoje zdravlje suvišnim radom ili lijenošću, pijanstvom, drogama, živi raskošno, sladostrašćem ili nečim drugim; tko vrijeđa druge grubim riječima, psovkama ili klevetama; tko kune svoju djecu ili bilo koga drugoga; tko iscrpljuje svoje radnike, sluge i podčinjene suvišnim i pretjeranim radom i poslom, i tko od njih zakida na plaći, odjeći, hrani i odmoru.

7.Ne čini preljub

  Protiv sedme Božje zapovijedi griješi: tko je sagriješio protiv bračne vjernosti i ljubavi; tko u bezbračnom stanju ne čuva sebe u čednosti, neporočnosti i djevičanstvu; tko je nekoga prisilio na grijeh; tko je obeščastio i sablaznio djevojku ili udovicu naročito obećanjem braka; tko je razvrgao nečiju bračnu zajednicu ili obiteljsku sreću; tko rado zavodi žene ili muškarce i obratno; tko dozvoljava svome bračnom drugu da živi razvratno ili je to prouzrokovao svojim lošim životom i vladanjem; tko je razdvojio ženu od muža ili muža od žene; tko je nekome bio od pomoći pri zadovoljavanju tjelesne strasti; tko ruši svoje zdravlje tajnim grijehom samozadovoljavanja; tko čita pornografske knjige koje raspaljuju maštu i izazivaju grešne misli; tko sebi dopušta previše slobode općenja s drugim ili drugih prema sebi tj. grljenje, ljubljenje i pohotljive dodire; tko psuje naročito pred mlađim i izgovara sramne riječi i psovke; tko se odaje raskoši, uživanju, modi, luksuzu, lijenosti ili posjećuje sramne predstave i slične skupove; kada žena svojevoljno pobaci dijete učinila je grijeh ubojstva i smatra se ubojicom.

Ne ukradi

  Protiv osme Božje zapovijedi griješi: tko je nešto oteo od nekoga javno, nasilno ili na neki drugi ne dozvoljeni način; tko je prisvojio nešto tuđe tajno ili putem obmane pri prodaji ili prevario mjerom na vagi; tko je nešto nesavjesno stekao ili dobio u najmu, kupovini, isplati, sklapanju ugovora i drugoga; tko je pronevjerio tuđi povjereni ili zvanični novac ili stvar; tko prima ili daje mito ili nedozvoljene poklone; tko je uskratio nekome zaslužnu nagradu ili priznanje; tko po interesnom prijateljstvu, srodničkim vezama a ne po savjesti i zaslugama pomaže nekoga; tko u svoju korist koristi tuđi tj. crkveni ili društveni novac; tko je zatajio nađeni novac ili stvari i nije ih predao njihovom vlasniku; tko je uzimao ili otimao nešto od sirotinje ili prilikom požara, poplave, zemljotresa ili drugih nevolja pojedinačnih ili općih; tko je primao ili kupovao ukradene stvari znajući da je to ukradeno; tko se izvlači od vršenja svoje dužnosti poslova i obaveza pod raznim izgovorima ili tobože bolešću; tko uzima kamatu i bavi se na razne načine lihvom; tko odugovlači da izvrši svoje obaveze i isplate na štetu pojedinaca ili zajednice; tko je lišio nekoga nekih prava ili službe; tko čini smetnje i prepreke nekome u dobrom bilo javnom bilo privatnom poslu; tko ne čuva bližnje svoje od gubitka i ne pomaže im u nuždi, bijedi, neimaštini i u svakoj drugoj prigodi; tko ne daje milostinju siromasima; tko se ne brine o bolesnima i nesretnima; tko ne koristi svoje Bogom dane darove i dobra na korist svojih bližnjih; tko ne upućuje bližnje i neuke svetoj vjeri pravoslavnoj, Božjem zakonu i ne brine se da povrati zalutale s njihove stranputice; tko ne daje dobre savjete onima kojima su ovi potrebni; tko ne tješi i ne savjetuje one koji su u nevolji, žalosti ili nesreći; tko ne prašta drugome uvrede i ne moli se Bogu za svoje bližnje, neprijatelje a naročito za umrle u pravoslavnoj vjeri.

9.Ne svjedoči lažno na bližnjega svoga

  Protiv devete Božje zapovijedi griješi: tko je oklevetao nekoga na sudu, pred vlastima, roditeljima ili starijima; tko razglašava tuđe slabosti, mane ili javno nekoga sramoti; tko ne ispravlja svoj život a ukazuje na tuđe poroke i grijehe; tko je naklonjen prisluškivanju i uhođenju; tko rado sluša tuđa ogovaranja i po njima sudi o bližnjemu; tko pronosi loše glasove i širi spletke; tko zavađa druge i ogovara i prokazuje drugima naročito neprijateljima; tko se rado podsmijeva drugima i izokreće njihove riječi i postupke; tko rado laska drugima ili ih iza leđa ogovara; tko rado provodi isprazne razgovore; tko nije govorio istinu kada se to od njega tražilo; tko je nekome pakostio i naštetio; tko se u svome ponašanju pretvara i dvolično živi čineći dobro radi slave i ljudi a ne po savjesti radi Boga; tko tuđa dobra djela smatra i razglašava za loša.

10. Ne poželi ništa što je tuđe

  Protiv desete Božje zapovijedi griješi: tko zavidi zbog nečega; tko se raduje tuđoj nesreći; tko drugome želi zlo, bolest i smrt; tko se žalosti, srdi i luduje gledajući drugoga u sreći i dobru; tko prezire svoje bližnje; tko sebe drži za boljeg i dostojnijeg od drugih; tko za sebe od drugih traži i iznuđuje počasti, ugađanja, laskanja, odlikovanja i tome slično; tko ispričava i pravda svoja loša djela; tko se ne trudi da ukroti svoje strasti i loše želje; tko ne nastoji da izbjegne slučajeve i povode za grijehe.


1. Blago siromasima duhom jer je njihovo Kraljevstvo nebesko

  They will not rejoice in eternal life: those who do not have Christian humility and meekness; those who are proud; those who consider themselves better than others; those who seek praise, honor, and glory for themselves; those who attribute their successes in life, science, and good deeds to themselves rather than to God's help and grace.

2. Blessed are those who weep, for they will be comforted. They   will not rejoice in eternal life: those who do not regret their sins or repent when they sin in thought, word, or deed; those who do not regret having violated the holy will of the most gracious God; those who do not weep for their sins; those who are negligent and indifferent in the work of their salvation. 3. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth   . They will not rejoice in eternal life: those who are angry with their neighbors, superiors, elders, friends, and companions when they say something unpleasant to them; those who give expression and vent to their displeasure through cursing, offensive acts, disobedience, and persistence; who does not have Christian meekness; who does not have Christian forbearance without which there is no necessary meekness; who does not patiently endure various troubles, temptations and illnesses. 4.  Blessed are the hungry and thirsty for justice, for they will be filled. They   will not rejoice in eternal life: who does not strive to live piously, justly and virtuously; who does not worry about receiving justification at the terrible and just judgment of Christ. 5. Blessed are the merciful, for they will obtain mercy   . They will not rejoice in eternal life: who does not give alms to the poor; who does not help the needy; who does not have compassion for the unfortunate; who does not comfort the sad and depressed; who does not teach the ignorant the truth and goodness; who does not pray to God for all people; who does not have Christian love for their neighbors who need help; who neglects and underestimates their neighbors, considering them unworthy of their love. 6. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God   . They shall not rejoice in eternal life: who harbors hatred for anyone in his heart; who envies someone's wealth, successes, beauty, etc.; who delights in impure thoughts in his heart; who dwells in his thoughts and is interested in shameful objects; who does not care at all about the purity of his heart. 7.  Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God   . They shall not rejoice in eternal life: who is in a quarrel with someone; who incites strife and does not reconcile the quarreled; who loves quarrels and is scolding; who disturbs his own or others' peace. 8.  Blessed are those persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven   . They shall not rejoice in eternal life: who does not love piety and justice, that he is ready to suffer for it; who fears ridicule because he loves God and the Holy Church, and who cares for the salvation of his soul; who is faint-hearted and agrees with those who blasphemously mock the teaching, sacred mysteries and rites of the Church. 9. Blessed are you when people revile you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you for my sake. 

He will not rejoice in eternal life: whoever does not love Christ the Savior, who by His death delivered man from eternal death and ruin; whoever does not govern himself, does not practice and does not live according to the teaching of Christ; whoever does not have a strong love for the Lord Jesus, such as His saints and martyrs had; whoever does not struggle with his passions out of love for the Lord Jesus.


1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.   The following sin against this greatest commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ: whoever does not consider it a sacred duty to acquire a correct concept of God and the necessary truths of the holy Christian faith; whoever does not love God with his whole being; whoever distorts love for God with unbelieving or little-faithful thoughts; whoever doubts something and what the Church teaches and teaches; whoever is negligent and absent-minded in home prayer or in the temple; who is angry with God and His providence; who does not accept the lessons that life offers through the plan of God; who is not grateful to God for all His benefits that He showers upon us; who mocks the sanctuary of God, the objects of holy faith, the holy rites, and something that the holy Church has established. 2. And the second is like this: Love your neighbor as yourself.   This greatest commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ is violated by: whoever does not love and does not love his neighbors; whoever does not respect human dignity in his neighbors and does not consider them his brothers; whoever offends his neighbors with slander, hatred, condemnation, ill-will, revenge, malice, or is not an accomplice in their troubles and sufferings; whoever appropriates the property of his neighbors by robbery, fraud, usury, or in any other way; whoever has injured the honor, good name, or health of his neighbors. 3. For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul. For if they judged themselves, they would not be condemned. 

 He will harm his soul and will be condemned: whoever does not want his soul to be sincerely saved; whoever does not want to know the gravity of the sin by which he offends the majesty and mercy of God; whoever does not want to understand the danger of a sinful life; whoever does not care to lay the foundation of his salvation with sincere repentance; whoever does not think of the loss of eternal life and the loss of the Kingdom of God; whoever does not think and does not tremble at the thought of the infinity of torments that await the sinner after death; whoever does not value human Christianity and dignity; whoever does not preserve the purity of his soul and his body; whoever does not abstain from what is contrary to sobriety of mind and purity; whoever does not avoid the sins of intemperance and immoderation in eating and drinking; whoever does not keep the promises and vows made to God and his neighbors; whoever speaks ugly, shameful and false words; whoever uses his eyes, hands, feet and his whole body to his own detriment and to the ruin of his neighbors; whoever does not value the position and calling assigned to him by the plan of God; who does not use for the benefit and glory of God: property, wealth, calling, position and other qualities and characteristics that he possesses; who lives in sin and unrepentantly, in spiritual dullness and does not regularly confess and does not receive communion.


1. To pray to God and listen to the service of God every Sunday and holiday   The following sins against this commandment of the Church: who does not pray to God for saving and all-powerful help; who does not pray to God regularly according to the apostolic command; who does not pray from the heart and devotedly but prays for the sake of custom or only externally and formally; who does not drive all the worries of this world from his heart during prayer; who does not visit the holy temple or church on certain Sundays and holiday days for prayer and instruction. 2. To fast before the birth and resurrection of Christ, before the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, before the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, and every Wednesday and Friday.   Against this commandment of the Church, the following sins are committed: whoever does not feel the need to fast; whoever does not want to fast under various excuses; whoever believes that sin is not in food but in action; whoever absolves himself of obligations and fasts; whoever does not consider fasting as an absolutely essential discipline of the Church. 3. To respect priestly persons   . Against this commandment of the Church, the following sins are committed: whoever ridicules church persons and pastors; whoever does not turn to priests in religious matters and questions for information, advice, instructions, etc.; whoever considers priests to be ordinary people. 4. To confess one's sins and receive communion during the aforementioned great fasts.   Against this commandment of the Church, the following sins are committed: whoever does not approach the holy mysteries of repentance, i.e. confession and communion, at the prescribed time; whoever does not prepare himself in a prescribed and worthy manner for approaching these holy mysteries. 5. Pray to God for those in power 

 He is sinning against this commandment of the Church: whoever does not pray to God for the army and the police, i.e. the government; who does not pray to God for spiritual authority, i.e. for bishops, parish priests and other clergy; who does not pray to God for all Orthodox Christians; who does not pray to God with the holy Church for the conversion of heretics, schismatics and persecutors; who does not pray to God for all deceased relatives, acquaintances, superiors and priests.

6. To observe the fasts and prayers ordered by the local bishop in the time of any kind of trouble.   He sins against this order of the Church: whoever does not participate in the special and extraordinary prayers and fasts of the Holy Church prescribed by it in case of famine, infectious diseases, wars, various riots, various social troubles , during drought, heavy rains and floods and earthquakes. 7. Do not read heretical books   It is a sin against this command of the Church: whoever reads compositions written in a spirit of hostility towards the holy Orthodox Church; who listens to the blasphemous teachings of heretics and unbelievers; who is lenient towards unbelievers in matters of faith and church life; who visits non-religious temples and participates in prayer in them. 8. Not to use Church things.   He sins against this commandment of the Church: whoever does the opposite and appropriates, takes or hides anything that belongs to the Church. 9. Weddings not to be held during the fasting period   Sinning against this commandment of the Church:   

whoever performs a wedding during a fasting day;  who immodestly visits: societies, theater performances and other things that arouse impure thoughts and feelings; who indulges excessively in various worldly pleasures; who neglects charity, i.e. physical and spiritual acts of mercy, at the expense of pleasure and enjoyment, especially on the eve of holidays and Sundays as a day of rest.

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