Posvetna milost
Kraljevska svadbena gozba
''Isus im ponovo poče govoriti u usporedbama i reče: Kraljevstvo je nebesko slično kralju koji priredi svadbu svome sinu te posla svoje sluge da pozovu uzvanike na svadbu. Ali ovi ne htjedoše doći. Tada ponovo posla druge sluge veleći im: 'Kažite uzvanicima: Pripravio sam gozbu, junci su moji i utovljenici poklani, i sve je gotovo. Dođite na svadbu!' Oni nisu marili za to, već odoše: tko na svoje imanje, tko u svoju trgovinu. Preostali uhvatiše njegove sluge, izgrdiše ih i ubiše. Nato se kralj razgnjevi te posla vojsku i pogubi one ubojice a grad im zapali. Poslije toga reče slugama: 'Gozba je, istina, gotova, ali uzvanici nisu bili dostojni. Zato izađite na raskršća putova te pozovite na svadbu koga god nađete.' Sluge iziđoše na putove te dovedoše sve koje nađoše: zle i dobre. Tako se svadbena dvorana napuni gostima. Tada uđe kralj da pogleda goste. Nađe ondje jednog čovjeka koji ne bijaše obučen u svadbeno ruho te mu reče: 'Prijatelju, kako si ušao ovamo bez svadbenog ruha?' On ostade nijem. Tada kralj zapovijedi poslužnicima: 'Svežite mu noge i ruke te ga bacite van, u tamu gdje će biti plač i škrgut zuba!' Jer premda su mnogi zvani, ipak ih je malo izabranih!'' (Mt 22, 1-14)
U ovom dijelu Evanđelja vidljiv je poziv koji je upućen Izraelcima i poganima, odnosno svim ljudima koji će do Sudnjeg dana živjeti na zemlji da uđu u svetu Crkvu Pravoslavnu koju je Bog osnovao po svome sinu Gospodinu Isusu Kristu.
Isto tako se vidi i odbačene kršćane koji primljenu svetu kršćansku vjeru nisu posvetili svojim pobožnim životom nego su od nje posve otpali.
Poznato je da su Izraelci bili pozvani da vjeruju u Spasitelja već po prorocima. A, kada se je u punini vremena Gospodin uistinu i pojavio o njemu su tada posve jasno propovijedali sveti Ivan Krstitelj prije i apostoli poslije njegove smrti te poticali Izraelce da svim srcem pristanu uz njega.
Kako su posve upali u zemaljske okove Izraelci nisu pazili na taj poziv. Neki od njih, odnosno veliki svećenici, pismoznanci i farizeji čak su i ustali protiv Gospodina i njegovih navjestitelja Evanđelja te ih ubili. Za kaznu njihove okorjelosti i protivljenja Evanđelju Bog je poslao Rimljane koji su Jeruzalem razorili do temelja i ubili nebrojeno mnoštvo Izraelaca.
Zbog toga što su mnogi Izraelci odbacili Evanđelje apostoli i njihovi nasljednici obratili su se poganima i njima naviještali svetu kršćansku vjeru. Tu pruženu milost puno je pogana prihvatilo, povjerovali su i dali se krstiti.
Ipak, poslije krštenja većina njih nije živjelo po propisima Božjega zakona već su se odali svojim zlim pohotama i strastima te su uveliko i teško griješili. Kao takvi predočeni su čovjekom koji je na svadbu došao bez svadbenoga ruha.
A Christian who preserved the holy Christian faith, but did not realize sanctifying grace, that is, did not realize holy Christian love for God and neighbor, is also presented as a man who dared to come to the feast without wedding clothes. Seeing him like this, the King, that is, the Lord, had him thrown with his feet into the darkness where there was weeping and gnashing of teeth.
This is exactly what will happen to every Christian who lives a sinful life and persists in it until his death. God, because he comes to him without wedding clothes, that is, without consecration grace or without holy Christian love, will throw him into eternal torment and the terrible darkness of Hell.
From this part of the Gospel, that is, from everything that has been said so far, it is evident that faith alone is not enough for a Christian's salvation, but that in addition to that faith, his holy life is also necessary, because the Lord says: "Not everyone who says to me: 'Lord, Lord !' enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my heavenly Father" (Mt 7:21).
Furthermore, the Lord's words have a very important meaning: "For though many are called, yet few are chosen!" (Mt 22:1-14).
People of every generation are called to be saved from eternal damnation because God wants it that way, which the apostle Paul claims: "It is good and pleasing before God, our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and come to a complete knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim 2:3-4).
Although God gives all people the necessary grace for salvation, only a small number of them will be saved from eternal destruction, because most of them do not meet the conditions necessary for salvation and bliss. Regardless of the fact that they have all the possibilities, the vast majority of people today do not want to accept the holy Christian faith. By doing so, they do not have true and holy Christian love for God and neighbor, and by violating his commandments, they are on the path to eternal destruction.
A Christian who does not want to be thrown into eternal perdition with the majority but wants to be saved with the minority should preserve the holy Christian faith, hope and love for God and neighbor and carefully avoid everything that leads to the loss of these three theological virtues.
In order to preserve these theological virtues, he should be encouraged by these very clear words of the Lord, which he should always keep in front of his eyes to always clearly warn him: "Enter the narrow gate, because the wide gate and the broad road lead to destruction, and there are many who go through it." How narrow is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there are who find it!" (Mt 7:13-14). Amen!
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